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Why You Should Outsource Your Accounting Functions

Last modified: August 20, 2024
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Why You Should Outsource Your Accounting Functions

Managing invoices and receipts, calculating taxes, processing payroll, reminding customers of dues and paying suppliers is complex. It gives a headache to even an experienced owner like you. If you have reached this stage, it will be a great idea to outsource your accounting functions and reduce your workload.

The team of accountants working for the providers of outsourced accounting services Singapore can relieve you of time-consuming and manual tasks. They will also do them accurately as they have the latest regulatory updates.

Knowing the latest changes speeds up their work and ensures output quality.

Many owners choose to outsource accounting services simply because they receive effective financial advice to grow their business. These professional firms can assist you in minimising procedural time, maintaining adequate cash flow, finding the best product mix, and identifying new opportunities to expand your business.

Read on the main benefits that applies to all the industries that may help you decide whether or not to outsource your accounting functions of your company for the first time.


Why You Should Outsource Your Accounting Functions

1 Saved Time

When you outsource your accounting tasks, your bookkeeping and accounting services provider frees you of certain tasks. Their accountants execute manual tasks including invoices and receipts filing, data entry, generating financial statements and management reports, analysing data, and reconciling financial data. They save you time and effort that you get to spend on achieving the objectives and growth of your business.


2 Reduced Labour Costs

Contrary to the belief, it is cheaper to outsource your financial functions. Afterwards, you don’t need to hire an in-house bookkeeper, accountant, or financial consultant.

It simply means you do not have to spend on employee salary, benefits, expenses, allowances, hiring and training. You also save on computers, internet, office supplies, accounting software, premium office space, Etc. It also reduces your human management workload.

By hiring a reliable accounting services provider, you get to pay for the services you get.


3 Up and Down Scaling of Services

It is common for a business to witness ups and downs in its transaction volume. It could be due to a change in season, festivals, or an unanticipated event. These professional accounting firms employ a team of expert accountants and can easily accommodate the increase or decrease in your accounting work.

It means you do not have to go on a war path and hunt and hire an accountant when the demand for your products or services rises or fire the existing ones when it goes down. You simply don’t need to worry about your business’ payroll, bonuses, incentives, Etc.


4 Access to an Experienced Team of Accountants

After you outsource your accounting functions, you get access to a team of experienced accountants. These are trained professionals who know their business in-depth and can take care of complex accounting problems for you.

These professionals keep up with the changes in the regulatory environment. Their accounting and financial knowledge enable them in generating accurate and timely output. Look for a firm specialising in executing accounting for business in your industry and/or niche.


5 Ramped-Up Efficiency

Executing accounting tasks internally, ties down your invaluable human resources. When you outsource your accounting functions, you free them to practice their skills.

The benefit is that you get to reassign them to execute the core tasks of your business and achieve its goals and objectives. The move also reduces their stress levels as they are no more working on compliance-related tasks they may not be proficient in.


6 Secured Data

Many companies suffer from internal frauds and data theft. Outsourced accounting services Singapore comes in as a third party without any ties to your existing staff. They nit-pick your data to find any discrepancies which goes a long way in reducing or eliminating frauds.

They also use standard procedures and processes to secure your financial and employee data. They also use password-protected access to data to avoid any data breach.

These professional firms also use the latest security software, tools, and technologies to ward off hackers and various forms of computer viruses and techniques.


7 Reduced Human Errors

Regular updating of accounting books is mandatory in Singapore. However, this manual task is time-consuming and complex. And lack of concentration and fatigue make it error-prone.

The solution is to use the latest accounting software and automate your accounting tasks. Then, you need to enter your data into the system only once and analyse and process it as many times as you want.

It reduces typos drastically leading to accurate accounting data. This data is highly useful in preparing financial statements and management reports. You can also analyse it for deep financial insights to make effective business decisions.


8 Cloud-Based Accounting Software

The professional accounting services use the latest cloud-based accounting software to execute your accounting tasks. They give you access to their software.

It means, you can connect to your data stored on their computer servers from anywhere and at any time using an internet-capable smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. Moreover, these tools enable you to streamline your daily accounting data and procedures.


9 Access to Financial Advisor

Their experienced accountants analyse your accounting records and render deep financial insights that reveal the weakness and strength, new opportunities and hidden threats to your business.

Their timely advise help you take decisive business decisions to take actions to improve cash flow situation. They also advise you on eliminating unproductive expenses, resource allocations to projects based on ROI, and new opportunities that you can cash-in on without exerting your resources.


Accounting Functions You Can Outsource to SBS Consulting

We cater to the accounting needs of new as well as existing businesses. Take a look at a list of our accounting services:

  • Account system set up
  • Recording accounting transactions (including journal entries)
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivables
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/yearly accounting & reporting
    • Profit/loss account statement (comprehensive income & other comprehensive income)
    • Balance sheet
    • Statement of changes in equity
    • Cash flow statement
    • Director’s report
    • Management reports
    • Accounts payable ageing
    • Accounts receivable ageing
    • Journal
    • General ledger
  • Variance analysis for monthly/quarterly clients
  • GST accounting
  • GST returns (monthly & quarterly)
  • Multi-currency accounting
  • Income tax computation and filing
  • XBRL preparation and filing

Contact us at +65-6536 0036 or email us at info@sbsgroup.com.sg to discuss your accounting requirements and how your decision to outsource your accounting functions to us will benefit you in the long run.

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