Choose a Special UEN (SUN) for Your New Business
When you register a Sole Proprietorship, LLP, or Private Limited Company (Pte Ltd) in Singapore, it is assigned with a Unique Entity Number (UEN), for example, 201912345A. This identification number is generated randomly by the system. And, you get it free of cost.
No harm in it, right?
What is Your Lucky Number?
However, if you believe in numerology, would you like such a random number to be associated with your business name. An individual who attaches a specific meaning to each number may find it difficult to digest. Well, Chinese culture considers ‘8’ as the luckiest number. Its pronunciation is similar to ‘Fa’ and takes it closer to ‘Fortune.’ ‘6’ also means ‘Fortune’. And ‘1’ means ‘want’.
So what does or means? Some people believe that it means ‘Make Big Money’, ‘Make Good Fortune in the Long Time Run’, or ‘Want the Fortune’. If you think a number can be Luckiest, Lucky, Less Lucky, or Unlucky depending on their meaning, then, here is an opportunity for you.
Buy a Special UEN (SUN) While Registering a New Business
You can choose a Special UEN (SUN) from ACRA’s list of reserved UENs. The sad news is that you cannot buy it for your existing business. However, you can pay for it at the time of,
- Registering a new Sole Proprietorship, LLP, or Pte Ltd
- Converting an existing sole proprietorship or LLP to Pte Ltd
UEN is important. Singapore authorities use various e-portals to interact with citizens and companies. A Singapore company needs its UEN to file company tax returns or for applying for business permits.
The company’s vendors, customers, suppliers, partners, and business associates can also identify a company using its UEN. It confirms a company’s legitimacy. It vouchsafe that a business or corporate entity is registered with ACRA.
A registered filing agent or a provider of Singapore company incorporation services can help you buy the luckiest SUN for your new business. Usually, ACRA’s official fees for registering a new company comes to S$315.
Types Special UEN
Tier 1 Number
Tier 1 SUN is a number sequence of the same digit (for example, 201888888A, 53499999V, T18LL7777F, T18LP2222J, T18PF1111P)
An identifier containing the number ‘8’ (for example, 201800800K 53480008L T18LL8000O T18LP0008H, T18PF8800X). You need to pay S$3,000/SUN.
Tier 2 Number
Tier2 SUN is an identifier containing a repetitive pattern of digits excluding ‘8’ (for example 201812121R, 53410101G, T18LL7070F, T18LP3535J, T18PF1010R)
Ending with a triplet of a digit such as ‘666’ (for example 201801777W, 53415666P, T18LL1222N, T18LP5222S, T18PF1666M)You need to pay S$1,000/SUN.
Well, if you choose not to purchase a SUN, then, a free system-generated UEN will be assigned to it after the successful registration of the business. However, a SUN that you and others can easily identify and remember is worth buying.
SBS Consulting Pte Ltd is a reliable provider of Singapore company incorporation services. If you have any queries regarding purchasing a SUN, call us on +65 6536 0036 or email us at, for expert assistance.